4 Deck Automatic Card Shuffler Critical Overview

 When is the last time you could say a three drop could do a massive six damage?

Picture this.

Turn 1: drop blue

Turn 2: drop white and cast Honor of the Pure

Turn 3: drop white and cast Geist of Saint Traft

Turn 4: Cast another Honor of the Pure and send in GST creating his guardian angel and pulling off a massive 10 damage.

Turn 5: Attack and do another 10 damage. Opponent dealt with in five turns.

Your opponents might put up some obstacles but the principle is there and a simple Galvanic Blast or Arc Trail still won't be able to stop GST. He can't be tapped, controlled or blasted making him very dangerous. Standard deck of cards

The amazing thing is with hexproof is that it prevents him from being targeted by your opponent but you can still target him. There are a host of options are available to take advantage of this ability. You can run red and drop a Goblin Tunneler into the mix making GST unblockable whenever he attacks. Neurok Invisimancer makes him unblockable for one turn.

Equipment is an excellent friend of GST. Nim Deathmantle turns GST into the walking dead but more importantly gives him +2+2 and intimidate making him bigger and much harder to block. If your opponent does kill him, pay four mana and he goes back in the battlefield pumped up ready for more action.

Strider Harness can also make him harder to kill with a small power/toughness boost and a surprise attack using haste. Of course, you can equip him with one of the mythic Swords. The Swords turn any creature into a major threat.

Also, you can play removal spells to clear the way for GST to attack unimpeded. Spells like Dismember, Vapor Snag, and Arrest can deal with opposing blockers. Creatures like Blinding Souleater can tap annoying creatures. Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite shrinks your opponent's creatures while boosting GST and his guardian angel.

I can see this card being a big favorite among players running blue/white decks. These decks can be constructed around Geist of Saint Traft by giving him as many ways to stay alive during combat so that he can continue attacking with his 4/4 guardian angel.


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